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St. Catherine of Siena School’s Four Great Things!


We are proud to report parent satisfaction in the following areas:


School Safety- Parents of St. Catherine of Siena School believe their children are safe in our school for the following reasons: security cameras, locked classroom doors, and locked gates for public entrance. In the event of an emergency and or parent communications, the Immediate Response Information System (IRIS) and Gradelink email is used. Students use the “Buddy System” when leaving the classroom and attending Mass.


Academics- In the area of academics, parents are happy with the academic program offer here at St. Catherine of Siena School.  The amount of homework is sufficient, the variety of classroom projects is appreciated, and middle school parents believe their children are ready for high school. We follow the California Common Core State Standards and the Diocese of San Bernardino Standards and students are prepared technologically to meet the demands of the 21st Century.


Religious Values-Parents want their children to live their faith daily. St. Catherine of Siena School offers numerous opportunities for students to “live their faith daily”, beginning with student led prayers and announcements. Our students reenact and perform in the Advent Program and Stations of the Cross.  The Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs), which are faith-based criteria for all students to learn preschool through eighth grade, so by graduation, students have received a quality Catholic education.


Added Value- Parents like the parent/teacher relationships they have with the teachers, the prayerful atmosphere and Catholic environment, afterschool tutoring as needed, and the Extended Care Program for working parents. The Inland Catholic Schools League (ICSL) is a welcomed program for many of our families. Students from Kindergarten through eighth grade can participate in various sports throughout the year: Track and Field, Soccer, Volleyball, Football, and Basketball. Choir is available to students in 2nd through 8th grade, hospitality ministers 3rd through 8th grade, and altar serving 4th through 8th grade. Student are prepared for First Holy Communion in 3rd grade and the Sacrament of Reconciliation is given during Advent and Lent for students in 4th through 8th grade. Our students in grades 5-8 are 1:1 iPads, while K- 4 students use Chromebooks and each classroom has an interactive panel for instructional use. St. Catherine also provides counseling services each week, at no cost to the parent.



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